Are you accepting new clients?

YES - I am currently accepting paediatric clients (under the age of 18 years) and some adult cases (please call to discuss your needs)

Where are you located?

Spot On Orofacial Myology Clinic is located in Ludmilla, Darwin. Northern Territory, Australia.

Can I use my private health insurance?

Unfortunately you cannot currently use private health insurance for Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy.

Can I use my NDIS Funding?

If you have a Self Managed NDIS plan you are able to use your NDIS funding for Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, if it aligns with your therapy goals. A tax invoice/receipt of services provided will be issued at each appointment.

How much does it cost?

With Orofacial Myology, we always Start at the Start. Allow 75 minutes for your initial assessment. During this appointment we will record a thorough history, and screen for airway, sleep and allergy concerns. We will also assess your oral structures; dental spacing and occlusion (bite); the muscles of the face, jaw, lips, cheeks, tongue and neck; tethered oral tissues (tongue and lip ties); habits; the oral prep phase of swallow; posture and breathing.

A Follow Up appointment is then made a week later where we go through the findings of the assessment together, discuss your options and any referrals required and come up with a plan of ‘where to from here’. It is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. This is a 3o minute appointment.

Assessment: $175 Follow Up appointment: $175 Therapy appointment (30min): $100 Extended Therapy appointment (45min) $150

How many appointments will I/my child need?

Because each treatment plan is tailored to a clients specific needs, time spent in therapy is different for each person. Progress through therapy is dependant on the clients age, ability to follow instructions, motivation and dedication to therapy. You will be given an idea of how many therapy appointments are likely to be required at your Follow Up appointment.

Do you recommend an orthodontist in darwin?

There are a few orthodontic/dental orthopaedic options in Darwin, depending on the needs of the client. If you would like further information, please contact Spot On Orofacial Myology Clinic to discuss this.

Do you offer telehealth appointments?

Yes, I offer telehealth appointments via Zoom. If you would like further information, please contact Spot On Orofacial Myology Clinic to discuss this.