Hi, I’m Caroline

Welcome to the world of Orofacial Myology!

I’m a Dental Therapist and Orofacial Myologist based in Darwin, Australia, with 20 years of relevant industry experience. I have a Bachelor of Health Science (major Oral Health) which I completed in New Zealand, a Graduate Certificate in Oral Health Science from the University of Adelaide, and Post Graduate studies in Orofacial Myology.

After over a decade of working clinically in dentistry, I attended a dental conference that had a focus on airways, orthodontics and orofacial myology. It was a game changer. That day was the start of a huge learning journey, both personally and professionally. I couldn’t believe that after being in the dental industry for so long, I hadn’t come across Orofacial Myology sooner. I didn’t know that all of the “puzzle pieces” I personally held (mouth breathing/nasal obstruction/severe dental crowding/nasal surgery/orthodontic relapse/incompetent lips etc), were interrelated to make a “big picture”, or that for my patients there was a reason behind what I was seeing clinically.

Rather than just looking at the teeth and orofacial complex independently and treating the condition presented, Orofacial Myology delves into the ‘why’s’ of what we are seeing to start at the start.

Because let’s be honest, its better to start at the start and deal with the cause of an issue rather than continually placing “bandaids” on the complaint.

So jump on in and have your eyes opened to the world of Orofacial Myology- and together lets figure out your (or your child’s) ‘why’s’ and what we can do to improve your health!

what is orofacial myofunctional therapy?

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is the neuromuscular re-education of the muscles of the face, jaw, tongue, cheeks and lips to improve function and tone.

OMT is an individualised customised program that uses a combination of physical therapy exercises that improve the strength, positioning and coordination of the muscles of the face, mouth and neck.

Correct muscle function and resting postures are necessary to ensure optimal and correct breathing, chewing, swallowing, speaking.

These muscles also play an essential role in our craniofacial growth and development as well as our dental and airway health.

During a typical therapy appointment, the client will be given a lesson plan for the fortnight with a range of exercises specific to their needs. They will be shown/taught these exercises, which they will then do at home to re-educate the muscles of the orofacial complex.


It varies from person to person but we often see:

► Crooked teeth/dental crowding

► Malocclusions including open bite and cross bite (the teeth don’t bite correctly)

► Temporomandibular Disorder (painful jaw joints/clicking/popping etc)

► Orthodontic relapse (tooth movement after removal of braces)

► Limitations of the oral and facial muscles (particularly the tongue)

► Worn teeth from grinding

► Speech concerns

► Issues with eating and swallowing

► Sleep apnoea or other sleep disorders

This list goes on but we need to ask…WHY?

Why do so many people have these complaints?


This list is not definitive, but are some of the most common causes of the complaints listed:

► Mouth breathing

► Upper airway obstruction

► Allergies (e.g dust mites/pollen/dander etc)

► Harmful oral habits (thumb/finger/dummy sucking, nail biting etc)

► Functional issues (such as lip and or tongue tie)

► Developmental delays

► Neurological deficits

► Hypotonia (low tone) of orofacial muscles

► Genetic predispositions

These can all result in adverse changes to the growth and development of the bones and muscles of the face and jaws.

ITS TIME TO STArt asking the question…

Rather than just looking at the teeth and orofacial complex and treating the condition presented, Orofacial Myology delves into the ‘why’s’ of what we are seeing to

start at the start

…and sometimes we need to rewind first

goals of orofacial myofunctional therapy

→ Nasal breathing day and night

→ Optimal breathing, using the muscles of the diaphragm

→ Competent lip seal (where the lips are sealed at rest)

→ The tongue must be resting up in the roof of the mouth (palate), and be able to function correctly

→ The cessation of non-nutritive sucking (finger/thumb/dummy etc)

→ Bilateral chewing with lip seal and nasal breathing

→ Relaxed face and jaw muscles, and adequate Freeway Space (back teeth should be a few millimetres apart at rest)

I hope that after you’ve taken the time to check out this website and learnt a little more about Orofacial Myology, that pieces of your own (or your child’s) puzzle will start to come together, and that you’ll have some “aha” light bulb moments.

I hope that today is the day that you recognise and understand the inter-connection between airway, facial growth, sleep, orthodontics and health, and the importance of looking at the

big picture

encourage engage educate

I love engaging with clients and have a gentle and caring approach.

Its important to me that you understand the “why’s” of your own condition and the therapy required, so I take the time to explain and educate you along the way in a relaxed, non-judgmental and supportive environment.

I see clients of all ages, and offer appointments either face to face at my Darwin clinic, or online via Zoom. If you would like to know whether an Orofacial Myology Assessment would benefit you or your child, please make contact for a complimentary chat.

NB: I am currently accepting new paediatric patients only (under 18 years of age)